Monday, November 5, 2012

Rationale Behind the Test Items and Essay Items

Rationale behind the Test Items and Essay Items
The reasoning for the first test item was to allow students to be able to define and comprehend what a habitat is which will build the foundation for the students learning of the characteristics of each of the different habitats that animals and plants live in. Allowing children to come up with their own definition of the word habitat could help them understand the meaning of it better. Our book stated that students should respond in their own words not repeat what is in the textbook.

The reasoning for the second test item to allow students to identify what each of the four habitats are by matching the description with the correct habitat. This is will give them a better understanding of the different habitats. It will also allow students to see the uniqueness of each habitat.
The reasoning for the third test item is to allow the students to match the different types of animals and plants to the habitat it belongs too. I want the students to understand the different animals and plants that live in each of the habitats. Kubiszyn stated to “specify the basis of matching and whether options can be used more than once” (2010, pg. 139).

The reasoning behind the essay item is to help students understand the differences and similarities of each of the four habitats. Kubiszyn stated “establish reasonable time and/or page limits for each essay question to help the student complete the question and to indicate the level of detail for the response you have in mind” (2010, pg. 165). I included a page limit. I believe this essay item correlates to all my learning objectives which will help students master the lesson of habitats.

Kubiszyn, T. & Borich, G. (2010). Educational Testing & Measurement: Classroom Application and Practice. (9th Ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Animals Around the World and Their Habitats

Subject: Reading/Science

Unit: Living Environments

Grade Level:  3rd grade

Learning Objectives:

1. Students will be able to define, learn, and understand the word Habitat.

Test Item: In your own words define the word habitat.
2. Students will be able to identify the four types of habitats (Grasslands, Wetlands, Deserts, and Forests) and will discover that they are unique and separate habitats.

Test Item: Determine which description correlates to the correct habitat.


1. A landscape or region that receives an extremely
 low amount of preciptation, less than enough to support
 growth of most plants is a _________.

2. An area with a high density of trees is a ___________.
3. A land area that is saturated with water, either permanently
or seasonally, such that it takes on the characteristics of a distinct
 ecosystem is a _________.

4. Areas where the vegtation is dominated by grasses and other
 non-woody plants is called a__________.

3. Students will be able to identify the different animals and plants that live in each of these habitats.

Test Item: Determine which habitat these plants and animals live in.

Buffalo grass____
White Oak_____
Soap-tree Yucca____
White Birch____
Pond Lilies____
Black Bear___
Bumble Bee___
White Tailed deer____
Armadillo lizard____
Praire dog____
American Bald Eagle____

Essay Item: Using the knowledge you have gained throughout the lesson how are the four habitats similar and different to each other? Be sure to include any animals and plants that may live in more than one of the habitats. Your response should be no longer than 2 pages long.

Students will be able to identify the word habitat, the types of habitats, and the animals and plants that live in each habitat with 95% accuracy.